What are some tips for dating a girl who is reserved in expressing emotions?

December 1, 2011 by  
Filed under Common Questions

dating tips
by State Records NSW

Question by niceguy07: What are some tips for dating a girl who is reserved in expressing emotions?
I’m starting to hang out with this girl and it’s obvious we get along with each other but I can’t quite figure out what her feelings are for me. Any tips or advice would be helpful!

Best answer:

Answer by summerbubbles12
Just ask her

Add your own answer in the comments!


8 Responses to “What are some tips for dating a girl who is reserved in expressing emotions?”
  1. Ying Mcdaid says:

    It isn`t tying himself to one woman that a man dreads when he thinks of marrying; it`s separating himself from all the others.
    http://www.picsholder.com has the solution to your main problem

  2. Anita Mot says:

    how m I supposed to know? ask her

  3. gizbo. says:

    be as honest as you are now. Ask her if she feels more to you then just a friend. Tell her that you have deeper feelings and want to know if she feels the same way.
    Honesty is the best policy even if you get an answer you don’t want to hear but need to for closure.

  4. Katie says:

    Let her know that she can feel comfortable around you. Try not to ask too many questions that will put her on the spot. She may just need a little more time to get to know you better. Before you know it she’ll be holding your hand, kissing you, & running up to you excited to hug you. Just give her some time. Goodluck to the both of you!

  5. Libby says:

    reserved in expressing emotions, LOFL.
    Look, write her a letter, if she digs you it will definately hit a heart string that you took the time, but if she doesnt reply in a few days, or if she seems to want to avoid you, those are clear warning signs to stay away. You can express yourself alot better when you can simply erase errors. If it is bad, it wont be much of a confrontation because she will still feel a bit special just because you wrote her. Also, dont put any hearts or stars on it, no weird drawings, simple, sweet, and straight to the point

  6. ****lizabean**** says:

    tell her how u feel and she will tell u how she feel s

  7. The Cruise Ladies says:

    Ask her. We all struggle with the simple issue of communication. If you have a question, ask it. If you are afraid of the answer, ask anyway. Life is too short to wander around wondering how someone else feels when all you have to do is ask.

  8. rainbow_red34 says:

    When you’re at a stage where you’re quite good friends and you both feel comfortable around each other, the best thing may be just to tell her that you like her. At the moment she may just be shy about showing you how she feels because she’s worried you don’t feel the same way, probably similar to you now. Just be honest and straightforward, and if she likes you too she’ll tell you. If she says she only sees you as a friend, at least that way you’ll know how she feels. You only live once; if you don’t try you’ll never know.

    Hope this helps, good luck!

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