What are some good dating tips for someone who is just too nice?

October 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Common Questions

dating tips
by Nan Griffin

Question by mitchell_rcd: What are some good dating tips for someone who is just too nice?
I am just too nice please help me. There is a girl and we both like each other but earlier one of my ex girlfriends told me she broke up with me beaause I was too nice.

Best answer:

Answer by Maura
that’s obviously your ex’s problem its not a bad thing to be nice girls love it when your nice to them, just don’t wait on them 24/7 because you will be walked all over. but its never bad to be nice and sweet its Very attractive !

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2 Responses to “What are some good dating tips for someone who is just too nice?”
  1. Play nice, children says:

    Too nice is a big problem. We don’t want nice. We want slick, adventurous, dangerous. Sweet at times, but not nice all day every day.

  2. icpooreman says:

    Girls like nice guys… but if that’s all you have going for you that’s a problem.

    Try investing some time in yourself. Take up some interesting hobbies do some crazy things, fun things do what you want and like don’t hold back ever.

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