Q&A: What are some dating tips for a young teen who has never dated or kissed before?
October 28, 2011 by admin
Filed under Common Questions
by CHIMS181514
Question by Jess: What are some dating tips for a young teen who has never dated or kissed before?
i need some tips about what to do when you’re dating, flirting, kissing and stuff like that. all my friends have kissed and dated but i’m so nervous around guys. help me be more comfortable with them. also, i need some appearance and odor tips (odor…you know…stupid puberty) to work with to get this guy to want to go out with me. HELP!
Best answer:
Answer by angel13
ask your friends
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What are some good dating tips for 7th graders?
October 26, 2011 by admin
Filed under Common Questions
Question by silver telcontar: What are some good dating tips for 7th graders?
I m totally clueless, help please.
Best answer:
Answer by IrishCOLEMAN
don’t let anyone make u do anything u dont want to do!!!!
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What are some good dating tips for someone who is just too nice?
October 22, 2011 by admin
Filed under Common Questions
by Nan Griffin
Question by mitchell_rcd: What are some good dating tips for someone who is just too nice?
I am just too nice please help me. There is a girl and we both like each other but earlier one of my ex girlfriends told me she broke up with me beaause I was too nice.
Best answer:
Answer by Maura
that’s obviously your ex’s problem its not a bad thing to be nice girls love it when your nice to them, just don’t wait on them 24/7 because you will be walked all over. but its never bad to be nice and sweet its Very attractive !
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Q&A: What are some good dating tips for a guy and tips on help finding and looking for a girlfriend.?
October 21, 2011 by admin
Filed under Common Questions
by mrkvm
Question by ebocka: What are some good dating tips for a guy and tips on help finding and looking for a girlfriend.?
just like simple tips on where to find girls at. should i play a game of percentages and hit on every girl in the world lol
Best answer:
Answer by Adam
you should hit on every girl in the world. duhh
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Q&A: Any good book with some dating tips?
October 21, 2011 by admin
Filed under Common Questions
by CHIMS181514
Question by Bentral: Any good book with some dating tips?
I want a book that can help me with dating. I am more of the traditional and conservative guy, but funny at the same time. I have little confidence when I meet girls plus I am somehow shy. Any titles you can throw in that I can buy through Amazon?
Best answer:
Answer by Sincerely-Dannii
Mr jones rule book.
It has a lot of good and amusing adivse.. I got it for my boyfriend as a joke (his ast name is jones) and it made the relationship improve fast 😀
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Q&A: What are some dating tips that i can use so i can have a better relationship with my girlfreind?
October 19, 2011 by admin
Filed under Common Questions
Question by Richard: What are some dating tips that i can use so i can have a better relationship with my girlfreind?
tips and basic things to do and say when with a girlfreind
Best answer:
Answer by alexander w
.Everything comes naturally.Treat each other with respect and the relationship will last
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What are some dating tips for new guys?
October 16, 2011 by admin
Filed under Common Questions
by enggul
Question by John R: What are some dating tips for new guys?
In short, I’ve not had a girlfriend yet and I think things will be different soon. What are some tips for me? I need the background info and what you do, how often you do it, any lessons you learned the hard way… etc. Guys can add their good experiences and girls can say what they expect from a usual relationship. Btw, I’m 16 and a guy. I can’t drive with somebody else until next summer. Thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by Becca
well basically.
be sweet, compliment the girl, take her somewhere nice and pay for the date. keep intouch by texting,msn and school. because communication and telling each other a good thing in a relationship!
hope this helps you.
good luck
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What are some English dating tips for an American?
October 15, 2011 by admin
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by morten gade
Question by forever: What are some English dating tips for an American?
How is dating different? Do English guys like American women?
I have a thing for the English “street tough” type, maybe even from a council estate. Might be moving to London.
Best answer:
Answer by Kevin
English men tend to be attracted to shins surprisingly!
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What are some practical, reasonable, and good dating tips for young adults?
October 13, 2011 by admin
Filed under Common Questions
by calindarabus
Question by Chocolate Barbie*: What are some practical, reasonable, and good dating tips for young adults?
Any advice would be helpful, especially from men and women who are dating or in a long term relationship, tell me what keeps the relationship strong.
Best answer:
Answer by Chris
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Can someone give me some dating tips?
October 7, 2011 by admin
Filed under Common Questions
Question by John B: Can someone give me some dating tips?
So Sunday im going on a date to the movies.. Im 15 years old. Its been awhile since my last date and i was wonder if you guys have any tips for me.
Guys: What tips would you give me?
Girls: What is it girls like during a date?
Best answer:
Answer by I.C.
Just be yourself no phony b.s.
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