How often do I text a girl I like (we are pretty close to dating) + conversation tips?

October 20, 2011 by  
Filed under Common Questions

Question by Bob J: How often do I text a girl I like (we are pretty close to dating) + conversation tips?
This girl I’m about to date, I like her and she likes me. We text daily but we are running out of things to say, is it okay if I start switching to once every 2 or 3 days? And conversation tips please? Is it rude for me to text her a little and end it after a few texts?

Best answer:

Answer by Yellowstonedogs
If you are close to dating you should be texting every day and a good night one.

You need to understand that girls put a lot more emphasis on texting (phone calls and website comments) than guys do.
It’s important to them.
Remember to always respond to a text and try to address everything she says.
No, it’s not rude to end a text after a few, but make suer she understands it’s your last one, don’t let her wait for another one.
And don’t do it abruptly, tell her you have somtehing you have to do.

Think about what it is you want to now about her!
Some other topics:
Your day, her day
Funny stories
Likes, dislikes
Family, neighbours, pets
Mutual friends
Internet/websites you both like
Movies, television
Music, concerts
Hobbies, interests, gossip (girls love it)
And the news and weather, especially if it’s extreme
Then there is “What’s your favourite?”:
Song. . . . . . . . . . .

Here are some sites that might help too:

Add your own answer in the comments!