How do i make a girl to like me? How do i charm her up? I need dating tips?

November 12, 2011 by  
Filed under Common Questions

Question by *youngcashflow*: How do i make a girl to like me? How do i charm her up? I need dating tips?
I’m single 20yrs. Hot ride, I work, and looking for a girl friend. I’m shy sometimes but more just worried the girls isn’t going to like me. Is there’s anything i need to say or do so she really “falls” for me?

Best answer:

Answer by jessica
Letter flowers Teddy bear (:

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


One Response to “How do i make a girl to like me? How do i charm her up? I need dating tips?”
  1. Maria says:

    be CUTE to her, and LET her KNOW that you like her/ are interested.

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