Any good dating tips for an 11 yr old?

December 28, 2011 by  
Filed under Common Questions

Question by Picklechic: Any good dating tips for an 11 yr old?
I am dating a guy and we both like each other a whole lot.My friends want me to lean on his shoulder and kiss him and i only 11.Plus we’ve only been dating for a week.Tips!!!
i meant 21

Best answer:

Answer by JustMe
Yahoo! Answers requires you to be 13.



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Any tips on dating a Korean girl?

December 27, 2011 by  
Filed under Common Questions

dating tips
by lcspiderlab

Question by Nicolás: Any tips on dating a Korean girl?
So, I’m going out with a korean exchange student. We go to schools in different towns, we’re both sophomores in high school. Her host parents want to meet me before we go on a date or anything. So..she is my first girlfriend, and I’m her first boyfriend. Any tips on dating her, because of her culture. or any at all? haha..i’m familiar with some chinese culture, not korean.

Best answer:

Answer by hustle swag
some korean words to be cautious of.
Call her the following

Gee-Jee-Bae this translates into beautiful
Bah-Bauo this translates into thank you
Gae-Sae-Cee this translates into lovely

Look into her eyes when you say it.

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20 years old single female- need tips for dating and getting a boyfriend?

December 26, 2011 by  
Filed under Common Questions

dating tips
by dpstylesâ„¢

Question by red_print_000: 20 years old single female- need tips for dating and getting a boyfriend?
Hi, I’m 20 years old (about to be 21 in 4 months), and single. I have never been on a date and have never had a boyfriend. Do you have any suggestions on what i can do to start dating and getting a boyfriend before I turn 21?

Best answer:

Answer by Wes
well you could ask me out (:

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Does anyone have any tips for ensuring a safe dating experience?

December 25, 2011 by  
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dating tips
by enggul

Question by : Does anyone have any tips for ensuring a safe dating experience?
I have started online dating. I have one friend request and it sounds promising. How can I protect myself from possible harm. Also, any tips on how to make sure that the first date runs smooth. Fashion or just tips in general would help
Also. what are good ice breakers to start with

Best answer:

Answer by strickly2deep
Never meet with a stranger without first telling other people where you might be and who this person is. Better to be safe than it is to be sorry. Make sure your first date is somewhere very public until you feel comfortable enough to make it more private.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

What are some tips on dating someone new?

December 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Common Questions

Question by Amber: What are some tips on dating someone new?
How long do you like your first few dates to last? One hour? Two hours? If you’re nervous, I mean. What do you usually talk about on your first few dates? What topics are off limits? Do you spend a lot of time just flirting on your dates? Are there empty silences? Frequent ones? What do you like to do on your first few dates? Thx!

Best answer:

Answer by PrinceValiant
I always try to get the first kiss as soon as possible. It is a good ice breaker.

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Dating tips for BBW or SSBBW or BHM ?

December 23, 2011 by  
Filed under Common Questions

dating tips
by John Yawo

Question by gsmom: Dating tips for BBW or SSBBW or BHM ?
are you a chubby chaser or a chased chubby ..Dating tips please .

Best answer:

Answer by Fake
i dont like fat people.

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I don’t know how to start dating again. Any tips other than internet dating?

December 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Common Questions

dating tips
by Alan Stanton

Question by Rita: I don’t know how to start dating again. Any tips other than internet dating?
I have 3 school age children and they seem prepared for mom to start dating again. But just in case, I want to make sure I don’t make a mistake during this process of finding a sexual relationship because my kids come first.

Best answer:

Answer by TREBOR.
ashley or email me, i love older women, truly. and i totaaly love kids.

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Is there a website or forum where you can get a dating help tips as a guy?

December 21, 2011 by  
Filed under Common Questions

Question by f3ng50n: Is there a website or forum where you can get a dating help tips as a guy?
I have some questions and need others help. What’s a best website for asking that kind of stuff?

Best answer:

Answer by ally_licious
There are probably heaps of sites that you could go to for this.

Alernatively, I’d love to be your personal dating counsellor. I consider myself a bit of a guru when it comes to this sort of thing and I guarantee you’ll spend more time dating than worrying about dating.

My email is

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Can you give any tips on dating?

December 20, 2011 by  
Filed under Common Questions

Question by johnxonglee: Can you give any tips on dating?
I am a 18 year old male. I am also Asian( race play a big role). Despite of the fact that i look intelligent, i am pretty dumb. I am also shy. If i mange a conversation it always end in a awkward moment of silence. Do you have any tips because i really want to have a girlfriend.

Best answer:

Answer by kammy
race doesnt play any role. Any race can be shy or akward or whatever.
Just be confident in yourself, and think that you re just like everyone else or even better.
No one is better than you whether they be white, black or gold
talk more, and dont worry, you’d be fine. practice makes perfect

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my girlfriend and I have been dating a while but any tips for getting to know her a little bit more so yah whe?

December 19, 2011 by  
Filed under Common Questions

dating tips
by Chris Robertshaw

Question by Samuel S: my girlfriend and I have been dating a while but any tips for getting to know her a little bit more so yah whe?
my girlfriend and I have been dating a while but any tips for getting to know her a little bit more so yah when we go to the movies!bam!

Best answer:

Answer by Dennis B
Your just a step behind your goal. Patience helps but I think you just need a little push to set things up for her. Just a little bit then its showtime! I watched this video just yesterday and once I read your question, it’s somehow related to this video.

It will help you to get that one last push and tell what do you think of this.

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