Q&A: Dating Tips?

January 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Common Questions

dating tips

Question by amcfan33: Dating Tips?
Does anyone have ideas on dating tips?
I`m having a hrd time meeting someone,almost 37 and still single.
Before I was 30 I really didnt care now that Im almsot 37 I would like to get married and have a child.
I have been in a abusive relationship, and I have a hard time trusting men. any advice would be helpful..Thanks.

Best answer:

Answer by My Answer For What Its Worth
Look for a partner in places that you yourself like going. When you find a potential partner, take it slow. You have ALL the time in the world to see if it is the RIGHT relationship. Hang in there, it will happen 🙂

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


4 Responses to “Q&A: Dating Tips?”
  1. trishtrishatrish says:

    I think it’s just as simple as dusting yourself off and getting back out there. Your going to have to step outside of your comfort zone and realize that not all men are like the abusive one you had the displeasure of meeting. Consider yourself wiser the second time around. You now know what you are looking for, so you’ll be able to weed out the bad ones. And go to places where the nice guys are…. steer clear of bars and clubs. 🙂 Good luck!

  2. denissch says:

    have a handfull of cash.
    that way you have your “date”, get the sex and dont have to call them the next day.

  3. john d says:

    There is some useful advice here.

  4. harrowgate says:

    I would still not care. You will meet someone when you are not expecting to. LOl thats how it happened to me.

    Also,, there are millions whom are feeling the same way you do. No bs. So shake your ass and party

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