Q&A: Dating Tips???????????

January 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Common Questions

dating tips
by CHIMS181514

Question by : Dating Tips???????????
any good dating tips for a middle schooler

Best answer:

Answer by awesome!
don’t try to act older than you are. there are a lot of kids in middle school who try to date like their older

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2 Responses to “Q&A: Dating Tips???????????”
  1. Laura says:

    Be a gentlemen, girls love it when you open the door for them. Also dont be a jerk, talk to the girls you like and be confident because if you’re nervous we are going to think that you are insecure. But most important dont rush things if you get a girlfriend and dont let her rush you.

  2. Lost says:

    don’t be needy, just be who you are, don’t lie about anything. will find out if you are lying or not. do not be in charge of the relationship not good.

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